Due to release schedules, PBG won't have our first real review(s) up until next month. That being said, I figured I would take a moment to detail what our rating system will be like. PBG will be using a five point rating system. We chose this system because we want our reviews to be to the point and basic. We also think using a rating system of ten or higher can lead to confusion about quality of games if they are not super low or super high. There comes a questionable middle ground with a higher number rating scale.
To get a good idea of what our ratings will mean, they will go as follows:
-1 out of 5: About as good as nipples on the Batsuit
-2 out of 5: A severely flawed game. While there may be small moments of enjoyment, the majority of the game has to many errors to overlook.
-3 out of 5: This is a tricky one. This rating does not always mean a bad game, just as much as it doesn't always mean a good game. Games that get this rating might have very good stories and even good play mechanics, but has flaws that bring the level of enjoyment down too much for comfort. When a game is given this rating, we will be doing our best to justify our opinion to better help you base your decision on purchasing it or not.
-4 out of 5: A tremendous game that is usually worth checking out. There may be minor things we see that hold the game back from achieving everything it possibly can to get a 5 out of 5 rating.
-5 out of 5: This does NOT mean a flawless game. If we give a perfect rating that means that the game being reviewed does everything it sets out to do better than other games in it's genre and does a lot to further the genre and games as a whole. These games may have minor flaws, nothing and no one is perfect, but they are easy to look over when viewing the game as a whole
To better exemplify our rating system I will be reviewing Arkane Studio's, Dishonored. I know that most people may have already played it during it's 2012 release, but with no games coming out this month on our radar for reviewing I wanted to have at least a mock-up review to give people an idea of how we will be composing our reviews. I will hopefully have the review up this week.
Blake Hester
Editor In Chief
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