Thursday, November 6, 2014

Back On Track

Until two days ago, I had not touched this blog in over a year. School, bands, and other activities had cluttered my personal life, and as of October 2013 I was absolutely in no financial situation to purchase a Playstation 4 the following month, so ultimately I had to give up PBG. There are very few readers of this blog, I'm lucky to get anything over 20 views a day, but that doesn't matter to me because I have a passion for playing video games, discussing them as an art form, and for simply just sitting and writing. I loved doing PBG, if anything just for myself, and I hated having to give it up, but luckily now I am now in a semi-stable enough situation financially and personally to get it back up and active again, which is something that excites me tremendously.

I tried to create a strict and pseudo-professional schedule for myself when reviewing games for the blog. This schedule was as follows: I needed to have bought the game I was going to review, played it to completion, and written, revised, and published my review within a week of the game's initial release date. From what I remember, I was very good about keeping to this schedule (I believe I only slipped up once). My goal once again remains the same, but I do see there being a possibility of me not always being able to make this self-set deadline. My school and work schedules are much more sporadic than a year ago and I am also in a band (we're called Ari, if you care to check us out) that requires me to sometimes leave town for multiple weeks at a time for touring. With all that going on, I will still try to keep news, reviews, and anything else as up to date as I possibly can.

With all the aforementioned said, the first game I will be reviewing will be Assassin's Creed Unity and if all goes according to plan the review will be up on November 18th.

Blake Hester

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