Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V: Day One

It is officially 4:13am and I have just wrapped up playing I don't know how many hours of Grand Theft Auto V.  I feel I have already done so much in the game and have hardly even scratched the surface.  The scope of this game, both literally and narratively, is astounding and honestly slightly intimidating upon the first few hours.  I am holding off on indulging too much on my own personal thoughts on the game since I have not finished it, but I will say this, from what I've played already I feel that all "serious" gamers, be them a GTA fan or not, should at least try Grand Theft Auto V out  I feel we are getting a small taste into not only what the next generation of gaming holds for us, but also what the future of gaming holds for us.

On that note, I am going to bed.

Blake Hester

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