After playing around forty hours or so of Grand Theft Auto V, I've come across some very tricky achievements and trophies that can be difficult to acquire. Below are some of the achievements that gave me the most trouble and how to complete them.
Out Of Your Depth: The only information given by the game for this achievement is the caption, "You're gonna need a bigger boat..." which isn't much to go on. To unlock this trophy you have to get attacked and killed by a shark in the ocean. I have found that the easiest place for this to happen seems to be Vespucci Beach. If facing the ocean, to the left of the Pleasure Pier will be a dock with Speedophile speed boats for you to take. Hop on one and start venturing out into the ocean, it's best to go at least beyond the length of Pleasure Pier. Drive around the ocean until a red dot, signifying an enemy, appears beside you on the mini-map. This is the shark. Hop off your boat and swim towards the shark to get its attention. After the shark is aware of you it will circle around you a few times before diving below the surface and coming up to attack. Once dead, you will receive the "Out Of Your Depth" trophy.
A Lot Of Cheddar: Even with the immense amounts of money you acquire by completing missions in Grand Theft Auto V, spending the required $200 million to get this trophy is no easy feat. To get this trophy make sure you have spent at least one dollar as each character, then using any of the three protagonists open up the in game stock market to begin. Go to any company and buy as much stock as you can with the all the money you have, then immediately turn around and sell it all back, and repeat this until you receive the "A Lot Of Cheddar" trophy. Depending on how much money you have, it is best to attempt this after you have completed the story mode and have amassed a sizable income from "the Big One."
Los Santos Customs: While not particularly hard, in theory, this achievement took me several tries to get right. To get this trophy you must full modify any car in the game at Los Santos Customs. To do this just right you must purchase at least one of every modification available at the shop, from license plate color, wheels, transmission, paint etc. It is best to have a sizable amount of money in your bank before attempting. (This is essentially the same as the "Pimp My Side Arm" achievement that has you fully modifying any gun in the game.)
Three Man Army: To get this achievement you must survive at least three minutes with a three star wanted level or higher with all three protagonists together off-mission. The easiest way to achieve this is to break into the Los Santos International Airport runway and weak havoc. Using any one of the three main protagonists call up the remaining two to hang-out. After picking them up, drive onto the runway of the airport, this will automatically give you three stars. Drive around and cause as much mayhem as your heart desires and after three minutes you will receive the "Three Man Army" trophy. If you have purchased a plane hanger at the airport with Michael for example, as I had, use either Franklin or Trevor to break into the airport, otherwise you will receive no wanted level.
Kifflom!: Possibly the longest, and most tedious, achievement in Grand Theft Auto V, to get this trophy you must complete all of the missions for the Epsilon Program, the religious cult that lives in the wilderness near Mount Chiliad. Using Michael, go to the Internet on your phone and go to and complete the evaluation. From here you will be able to start doing missions for the Epsilon Program. Once all are completed you will receive the "Kifflom" trophy. Be warned, these missions take a lot of patience and are not the most "fun" activities to be found in Grand Theft Auto V.
If you are having trouble with a particular achievement in Grand Theft Auto V, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to help you through it. Also, look out for our review of Grand Theft Auto V: Online after it drops this Tuesday, October 1st.
Blake Hester
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