Tuesday, January 13, 2015


My plan for the day was to download and play a sizable section of the new Assassin's Creed Unity DLC, Dead Kings, but the PlayStation Network seems to have a different idea.  PlayStation did announce yesterday that the PSN will be down on January 15th for four hours (starting at 9:00am PST and 12:00pm EST) while it is undergoing maintenance, but I can barely get anything on my PlayStation that involves the internet to function today.  I'm not blaming anyone, I'm sure there are better minds at work on this than mine and they have a perfectly valid reason for PSN's inactivity, but it is a frustrating setback.  Until then, I suppose I play the waiting game. 

For a full review of Assassin's Creed Unity Dead Kings when I can get it to download, stay tuned to PBG!  

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