Monday, January 26, 2015

We Are On Twitch!

PBG has just joined Twitch and already done a couple streams of Far Cry 4!  If you're interested in hanging out with Parent's Basement Gaming and watching a game or two, just look up PBGTwitch and it should pop right up.

The goal as of now is to do a stream every Monday, though I will probably do a few more when time allows.  Everyone is welcome to suggest games and topics and joining the stream and leaving comments and conversations is highly encouraged.  Every "Twitch Monday" I will post on the site about what game will be streamed on that day and what time.  Please be patient as I am still trying to figure out the site and the best ways to operate game streams.

I chose to wait to post this article until after this week's stream to make sure I got everything up and running correctly, but if you would still like to see my many deaths in Far Cry 4, click the link above and check it out!

I am definitely looking forward to this becoming a routine event for PBG!

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